On-Board Diagnostic – Monitoring & Readiness Monitors

The primary purpose of the PCM, ECU, ECM, ... is to manage automobile resources to ensure the emissions from the car meet emission standards at time of sale. It manages automobile resources such as injectors, engine timing, EGR, … in regards to controlling them and ensuring they are operating effectively so that the overall system can maintain the emission's standard.

The PCM utilizes monitors to ensure components and engine are working within the OBD II specifications. For example, the PCM constantly monitors for misfires. Likewise, when certain conditions are met, the catalytic converter(s) is/are tested to ensure proper behavior.

Why should you be aware of Readiness Monitors

As for me, I live in California. Yup! Hot Rodder hell. So, in California, being CARB legal is a big deal. Since Check Engine Light issue must be resolved in CA to pass smog tests or resell a vehicle, I have helped many people resolve them. Therefore, if you live in a state where you must periodically smog test your vehicles, than knowing about Readiness Monitors can be helpful, especially if you are a car flipper.

For an automobile to pass a smog test, the following conditions must be met:

  • DLC port in good working order
  • The Check Engine Light cannot be on
  • No Trouble Codes present
  • All readiness monitors completed and executed successfully
  • No non-certified component is installed on vehicle
  • This criteria is subject to change

The following explanation of Monitoring is simplified due to the following:

  • Each manufacture has implemented them in a unique way
  • The actual implementation has many details
  • The standards are always being changed to help decrease pollution
  • Manuafactures are free to add additional 'enhanced' monitors, e.g. ABS, air bags, ...
  • Algorithms are constantly improved

Readiness Monitors Overview

The following table summarizes some of these potential monitors for a gasoline engine automobile:

<Toggle Table Display>
Monitor Name Description When Executed
Continuously Driving condition is met
This monitor ensures each cylinder is contributing to rotating the crankshaft evenly. Each time a spark plug fires, a certain valid range of angular velocity should be produced. Issues with compression, fuel delivery, and/or ignition can cause one or more cylinder misfire(s). Unfortunately, problems with these systems can either cause damage to other emissions related equipment or can produce excessive emissions. For example, a stuck open fuel injector can cause excessive fuel to enter the catalytic convertor, damaging it.
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Fuel System
This monitor ensures that the fuel system is behaving as the PCM expects so that necessary emission standards can be achieved.
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Comprehensive Component
Since for the PCM must be able to sense and control components of the engine, this monitor ensures all important components are responding.
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Since catalytic converters leverage a heated chemical reaction on the engine’s exhaust gas to reduce harmful emissions, all catalytic converters need to be functioning. This monitor ensures that the catalytic converters are functioning as expected.
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Heated Catalyst
Since catalytic converters leverage a heated chemical reaction on the engine’s exhaust gas to reduce harmful emissions, the quicker the catalytic converters warm up the quicker the chemical can occur to reduce emission during automobile warm-up. Therefore, in an effort to reduce warm-up emissions, many manufactures leverage catalytic converter heaters.
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Evaporative System
When the automobile is being refueled, gas is being pumped through the fuel system, and as the gas tank is being moved causing the gasoline to slosh around, fuel vapors are being created. These vapors are harmful to the environment. Therefore, the Evaporative System’s, commonly referred to as EVAP, responsibility is to capture and then burn in the engine when appropriate.
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Secondary Air System
Larger displacement engines produce a fair amount of exhaust gases that need to be cleaned/processed by the catalytic converter. Catalytic converter can only handle so much gas at a time. So, in some vehicles they employ numerous converters or use air pumps to increase the temperature of the converter.
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Oxygen (O2) System
Air/Fuel and O2 sensors are leveraged by automobiles to track the oxygen content of the exhaust stream and the catalytic converter efficiency. Air/Fuel, wide band, sensors, tend to be held at a constant ratio by the PCM. Whereas, O2, narrow band, sensors are alternated around the 14.7:1, Stoichiometric ratio, by the PCM. Both Air/Fuel and O2 sensors are only able to properly sense the oxygen content when the sensor is warmed up to around 600 degrees.
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Oxygen Sensor Heater
Air/Fuel and O2 sensors are leveraged by automobiles to track the oxygen content of the exhaust stream and the catalytic converter efficiency. Both Air/Fuel and O2 sensors are only able to properly sense the oxygen content when the sensor is warmed up to around 600 degrees.
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EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
As the engine runs, the combustion chamber temperature rises above 2,500 degrees. At these temperatures, nitrogen oxide is created which is bad for the environment. Under certain driving conditions, e.g. light acceleration, the Exhaust Gas Recirculation System, EGR, redirects exhaust has back into the intake manifold, resulting the combustion chamber temperatures to decrease.
General Algorithm - <read more...>

Note: These monitors are cleared if the battery is disconnected or a scan tool clears them.

Readiness Monitor Drive Cycle

After reading the above table, you probably noticed that many of the readiness tests require a certain condition to be met to allow them to complete successfully. But what does a drive cycle look like? Here is an example drive cycle for a GM. I pulled it from the Autozone.com web site.

Drive Cycle Example

To find your car’s specific readiness monitor drive cycle, please consult your shop manual. If you don't have a shop manual, you can utilize Mitchell DIY Online to allow you to access a digital shop manual. From experience, follow them to the letter; otherwise, many times the readiness monitor won't complete successfully or even initiate.

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